• Life,  Things I Google

    Things I Google: What is Vinyasa Yoga

    During our time on hurrication, my husband and I did our best to continue going to the gym. I did a lot of youtube stress relief yoga (Thanks Yoga With Adriene!), while he did a lot of hotel gym workouts.  When we arrived at my parent’s house, we gained access to our local fitness center and its array of classes. The first day we went, he lifted and I did a yoga video since my body felt dead from all the traveling. After our workouts, my husband was interested in doing a yoga class with me, so we looked at the schedule and saw “Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 am”. He asked…

  • Life,  Things I Google

    Things I Google: Hurricane Florence

    How’s my morning going you ask? Well, Hurricane Florence is quickly approaching and which each prediction the news gets worse and more comical for us.  The title of this could also be some of the following: Things I Google: How to stay sane Things I Google: How to close on a house before a hurricane Things I Google: Should I close on a house before a hurricane Things I Google: Hurricane Preparedness Things I Google: How to pack when you don’t have boxes because your plan has been shot to hell Things I Google: Help. Where do I start? I got this fun email first thing this morning and it’s…

  • Home,  Life,  Military Topics,  Things I Google


    Welcome to the winging it lifestyle!  I want to open up a space where hopefully some of my experiences can help others who are trying to navigate the military and various adulthood topics. I don’t like to take life too seriously, so I want this to be a fun space for me and for you! How to Navigate: The Military Topics tab is pretty self explanatory. I’ll have topics on Marine Corps life, being a military spouse, making friends, pilot wife life, etc. If there are any topics you ever want me to discuss, please comment and let me know! The Things I Googled tab is also self explanatory, but I’ll post…