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    Navigating Marketing Photography in a New Town Where You Know No One is Challenging

    Welcome back! The government didn’t shut down (yet), I haven’t been laid off (yet), but I have fully gone balls to the wall on marketing my photography business just in case. Since I last posted, McMillan Moments Photography is back in FULL swing. As always, I’m not really entirely sure what I’m doing. Of course, I’m doing my research and learning all the SEO things, but man it’s not exactly straightforward. Starting/Restarting and Marketing A Photography Business When You Don’t Know Anyone Typically, we haven’t really had an issue getting sessions scheduled where we’ve lived because we knew people. We had connections, we had humans and friends who wanted pictures.…

  • Life,  Military Topics,  The Wing It Life

    How To: Survive Layoffs & Government Shutdown Panic

    How does one even begin to navigate this topic? Is someone able to survive a government shutdown and layoffs at the same time? I hope so, because that’s our reality right now. I don’t know what’s in the water, or what’s going on right now, but it just feels like I’m trying to navigate Mt. Doom. Step 1: Get Your Affairs In Order It’s important to figure out how much of an adult you are. Have you been saving? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you winging it? Honestly, nothing can prepare you for a government shutdown and a layoff to happen at the same time. As I said…