• Life,  Military Topics

    Ballgowns and Dress Blues

    It’s everyone’s favorite time of year!!! No, it’s not the holiday season (although it’s close), it’s time for the annual United States Marine Corps Ball!  To be fair there are some negative nellies out there who despise this event, but that’s because they’re not doing it right. It’s such a fun celebration that celebrates Marine Corps history. So let’s go back and talk about what it’s about and then I’ll get to the purpose of this post- Ball gowns.  The United States Marine Corps, A Brief History (by someone not great with historical facts) I am no historian, so my information is summarized from the Marine Corps website. OK just…

  • Life,  Travel

    The Friendly City – Harrisonburg, VA

    Settled in the valleys of the Shenandoah Mountains is the beautiful town of Harrisonburg, Virginia. While the campus of James Madison University is housed there, the town has much more to offer any curious travelers.  As I’ve stated in many of my other posts, Harrisonburg is my home away from home and is easily one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever lived. The sunsets are remarkable, and the rolling hills are vibrant and unforgettable. During undergrad, there were many times when I needed a mental reset, so I would drive down 81 or over to Skyline Drive just to see the sunset or the changing leaves or even the…

  • Life

    Why Is My Life A Mess Right Now? (Feat. Pot Roast & Apple Crisps Recipe)

    Y’all this week has been nothing short of a mess. Before we talk about the mess take a look at what I made last night to cheer us up. We both love a good hearty meal followed by a sweet dessert! On Monday, we woke up all bright-eyed and bushy tailed that it was our anniversary and that we had a fun day ahead of us. Then the universe said NOPE! Welcome to Year 2 of marriage- your new home is severely damaged from Hurricane Florence.  Let me back up – The day that Hurricane Florence hit was the day that we were supposed to close on our home, so…

  • Life,  Things I Google

    Things I Google: What is Vinyasa Yoga

    During our time on hurrication, my husband and I did our best to continue going to the gym. I did a lot of youtube stress relief yoga (Thanks Yoga With Adriene!), while he did a lot of hotel gym workouts.  When we arrived at my parent’s house, we gained access to our local fitness center and its array of classes. The first day we went, he lifted and I did a yoga video since my body felt dead from all the traveling. After our workouts, my husband was interested in doing a yoga class with me, so we looked at the schedule and saw “Vinyasa Yoga 9:30 am”. He asked…