• Life,  Military Topics

    The BS is Worth It

    Hi people. The BS is worth it. What BS? Oh, the military BS. The your husband has a random urinalysis on his day off, when you had plans BS. The your husband was going to have Christmas (insert holiday here) off, but got called in last minute because he was one of the only students in town BS. The “I’m flying today,” “I’m not flying today,” “JK I’m flying tomorrow,” “JK JK we’re actually going now it cleared up and I won’t be home for dinner,” that I slaved over BS. The BS silly meaningless tiffs because a big event is coming up and he’s stressed. The we can’t do/go…

  • Life,  Military Topics

    Ok, I Was Wrong

    Ew, I can’t believe I admitted that. My husband is probably shocked that me, prideful Danni, would admit that I’m wrong. But hey you do what you gotta do. Dear world, I was wrong. Having The Birthday Ball on a Wednesday wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I sincerely apologize. Danni I don’t know what everyone else thought of the Wednesday ball, but my husband and I were both pleasantly surprised. Going into it we thought it would be lame because it was on a Wednesday and because it was on base in a hangar, but we stand corrected. When we walked in the ambiance of the room was…

  • Home,  Life

    When Life Gives You Lemons Just Move …Again

    I don’t even know where to begin this post, but I will warn you it’s long. I’ll at least try to humor you through it, because this has to all be a huge joke.  It’s to the point that I’m waiting and wondering what the next crazy thing in our life will be. If you follow me on Instagram I’m sure you’ve been wondering what happened (or maybe not, let’s be real I’m writing this more for my future self than anything). So here it goes- We technically got evicted, but we knew it was coming.  Cue the questions. Let me get everyone up to speed. So we were buying…