Life,  Military Topics

The Hurrication

It’s the never ending vacation. We’re loving it, but it is getting exhausting. 

We’ve been in a hotel in Jacksonville, Fl., for 6 days.

Tuna is OVER it.

I’m losing my mind, my dogs are losing their mind, and boredom is setting in. BUT at least we are safe and we have food, gas, and power. I can’t really complain, but it would be nice to not be in a hotel. 

Edit the last line to- “After being stuck with them in a hotel room for days on end”

I decided to make another post updating our current situation, because Things I Google: Hurricane Florence was getting long. 

Today is Sunday, Sept 16 and we have no idea when we can go back. Our town (New Bern, NC) has been completely destroyed and our specific county is now ‘land locked’ by flooding. 

Everything is saying absolutely do not attempt to go home. Roads are flooding, and if they are no longer flooded, they’re collapsing from being so saturated. Power is still out and I really have NO desire to go home and smell the no longer frozen fish that’s in our freezer. 

Oh man the thought of that smell…. we might have to burn our house down. It’s going to smell like a fish market. 

Thankfully our rental home, and our neighborhood has fared well for the most part. We have learned that there is a tree down in our backyard that potentially broke the fence, but the house looks ok. We have also heard from our realtor that our new home looks ok, but there is a tree down that potentially damaged the shed. Minimal damage from what it sounds like, so I can breathe a sigh of relief.

While both homes are ok-ish, that leaves the detail of new tenants moving in on the 23rd. The original plan was close on Thursday 9/13, move in on Saturday, have our rental home inspected on Monday, have pests and carpet cleaners come on Tuesday, and have the new tenants move in on Sunday 9/23. There is no way that is happening, unless the universe really wants to challenge my mental capacity, and if the new people have no soul. 

The new home will probably have to have another inspection, but there’s so much flooding over in that town that we definitely won’t be in that home until mid-October. There’s no way. I just can’t see it happening with the state that North Carolina is in. The real estate world is going to be shut down for who knows how long. 

The military wants my husband to come back soon, but there’s pretty much no safe roads from the route searching we’ve done. Also, the river is supposed to crest to around 30 feet on Thursday, which will cause worse flooding.

They’re continuing to rescue people and have asked people if they can evacuate to get out of town, the worst has yet to come… It’s like The Day After Tomorrow over there.

It’s honestly just a huge mess and North Carolina is going to be out of commission for a long time. I’ll probably end up going to my parent’s home with the dogs for awhile too if power stays out because

me in a hot house = danger zone for my husband

Hey, at least I am very in tune with myself and what I can tolerate. Also, I wouldn’t want to put my dogs through that situation. 

Overall we’re in an ok position right now, but a lot of Googling will be occurring soon and winging it might not be my best option.

Upcoming Google topics/things I need to learn more about:

  • USAA insurance claims for food/hotels/travel – Gotta take this one seriously because if we aren’t covered for some insane reason I might cry
  • Are we going to be kicked out of our rental home?
  • When will real estate world come back to life?
  • Volunteering/working with the Red Cross – maybe I’ll find a nursing job this way! 
  • How to not rip my eyeballs out due to high levels of stress
  • Closest/cheapest good quality massage

It’s going to be a stressful next few weeks/months, but when we overcome this mess that Flo left us I think we will feel so accomplished.

Man our future children are going to hear some crazy stories.

On a serious note, consider donating blood or donating to any of the relief efforts if you can spare a dollar or more. The areas that were hit the worst are in a really tough position right now and they’re in need of food, water, gas and financial assistance.

If you go to the link you can donate to a local church that is a distribution center in New Bern, one of the hardest hit areas.  Important items the town needs are:

Carpet drying Fans
N-95 reusable or disposable Masks
Mold abatement products
Scoop shovels
Contractor trash bags
Thick Plastic sheeting
Staple guns
Gas cans
Bar oil
Chainsaw fuel
Working chainsaws
Bug spray
Screen material
Propane bottles. Big and small
Shelf stable single serve milk
Non perishable food items
Diapers, wipes, baby food/formula 

Hygiene products
Toilet paper 
Dog/cat food

Click here for the local church’s disaster response website

We were incredibly lucky as far as we know and I’m still very stressed. I could not imagine being in this position, but knowing I’m coming back to complete and utter destruction. Keep New Bern and the surrounding areas in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you!

Below is a gallery of a ton of pictures from various news sources, Facebook, neighbors, and memes etc. 

Important random fact I learned after reading this meme: If you are ever rescued in this way, wait for the hook/cord to hit the water. Normally the pilots maneuver the hook in a way that you can’t grab it before it touches the water, but in the off chance it doesn’t happen, DON’T reach and grab it. You will be shocked from the static electricity.. and I’m not talking a baby shock, I’m talking you’re now cooked kinda shock. 🙂 

I relate to this on a personal level…

Anyways, you can stay updated here or on my Instagram or Twitter accounts. 

Thanks for following the wing it life!


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