Welcome to the winging it lifestyle!
I want to open up a space where hopefully some of my experiences can help others who are trying to navigate the military and various adulthood topics. I don’t like to take life too seriously, so I want this to be a fun space for me and for you!
How to Navigate:
The Military Topics tab is pretty self explanatory. I’ll have topics on Marine Corps life, being a military spouse, making friends, pilot wife life, etc. If there are any topics you ever want me to discuss, please comment and let me know!
The Things I Googled tab is also self explanatory, but I’ll post my experiences and short comings with my wing it life style. This area will probably be more geared towards adulthood things that you don’t learn in school (read: taxes, budgeting, resumes), dog care, buying/decorating a home, and so on.
Those are some of the relevant topics in my life as of now and I hope you’re excited to join me on this journey.
And if all else fails, just wing it!
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