Ok, I Was Wrong
Ew, I can’t believe I admitted that. My husband is probably shocked that me, prideful Danni, would admit that I’m wrong. But hey you do what you gotta do.
Dear world,
I was wrong. Having The Birthday Ball on a Wednesday wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I sincerely apologize.
I don’t know what everyone else thought of the Wednesday ball, but my husband and I were both pleasantly surprised. Going into it we thought it would be lame because it was on a Wednesday and because it was on base in a hangar, but we stand corrected. When we walked in the ambiance of the room was perfectly romantic, professional, American, and celebratory.
Sure, we couldn’t go crazy like in years past because of the whole Wednesday thing, but honestly it wasn’t the setting for that. We’re also becoming “old and boring” and have no desire to feel like death the next day. Anyways, my husband is currently in his Fleet Readiness Squadron (FRD/FRS), which is an incredibly small group of students. Due to their size, they join onto the local C130 squadron and create one big ball. A large reason we didn’t want to go wild and crazy is because this C130 squadron will be his squadron in a few weeks. AKA we had to mingle and meet people while not being incoherent.
Despite being coherent I remember approximately negative 100 names that I learned last night. If you take anything from this, don’t be like me and instantly forget names as soon as you learn them. Truthfully I really do try, I just forget so easily because I’m interested in listening to what they’re saying. It’s also tough when I get introduced to people like this:
“Hey babe, this is Dick Bob, or Jones that instructor I flew with.”
My Husband (with incredible introduction skills)
Then the man tells me his first name and then introduces his wife/gf and by the end I have 4 names in my head and my brain explodes. If you’re reading this and rolling your eyes because you’re good at remembering names, please tell me your secret, because I really do try… my pea brain just fails. People can’t be too mad about it either because Starbucks even gets the names wrong sometimes and they’re like coffee gods. Also, no one ever spells my name right and I don’t get mad. Shoot, my name place card last night said Dawn and the wrong last name. So please call me Dawn for the rest of time.
Overall, we had a lot of fun, the food was great, and we met a ton of nice people which has me excited to meet more once he’s in the new squadron! I stand corrected in saying that a Wednesday ball would be lame. Like come on, we had a stress ball war with our CO’s wife – she is a fun human.
From this experience I’ve learned that the ball will always be what YOU make of it. I could see how people might find it inconvenient if they have children or work, but we all have to remember one important thing: The ball isn’t about us, it’s a celebration bigger than us. Yes I know that it’s a night of celebrating the service members and the families’ hard work and sacrifices, but it’s also about the 243 years (and counting) of service. It’s about the battles won, the lives lost, the history of the Corps etc. It’s a privilege for us to be able to attend the ball and we have to always remember that. Not many people can say they get to attend a Marine Corps ball, so we should take it to heart and appreciate the ones we do get to attend.
If you disagree, then keep on complaining, but not everyone can be pleased and you won’t be raining on my American Pride. *Queue God Bless the USA followed by The Marines’ Hymn*
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