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    Navigating Marketing Photography in a New Town Where You Know No One is Challenging

    Welcome back! The government didn’t shut down (yet), I haven’t been laid off (yet), but I have fully gone balls to the wall on marketing my photography business just in case. Since I last posted, McMillan Moments Photography is back in FULL swing. As always, I’m not really entirely sure what I’m doing. Of course, I’m doing my research and learning all the SEO things, but man it’s not exactly straightforward. Starting/Restarting and Marketing A Photography Business When You Don’t Know Anyone Typically, we haven’t really had an issue getting sessions scheduled where we’ve lived because we knew people. We had connections, we had humans and friends who wanted pictures.…

  • Life,  Military Topics,  The Wing It Life

    How To: Survive Layoffs & Government Shutdown Panic

    How does one even begin to navigate this topic? Is someone able to survive a government shutdown and layoffs at the same time? I hope so, because that’s our reality right now. I don’t know what’s in the water, or what’s going on right now, but it just feels like I’m trying to navigate Mt. Doom. Step 1: Get Your Affairs In Order It’s important to figure out how much of an adult you are. Have you been saving? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you winging it? Honestly, nothing can prepare you for a government shutdown and a layoff to happen at the same time. As I said…

  • About Me,  Home,  Life,  Military Topics,  The Wing It Life

    I’m Back and More Crazy Than Ever – This is My Chaotic Life.

    Soooooooo yea it’s been a minute since I last wrote. That’s my chaotic life. A handful of you say this blog is helpful for the military life stuff or that you think I am funny and relatable, or that I am a captivating writer/story teller. I just didn’t and don’t really believe it. I’m just a classic gal who gets bad imposter syndrome. AKA I totally laughed off when people would say that because I never thought this blog would see the light of day. I also cringe saying ‘I write a blog’ because I don’t want to be grouped into the blogger/influencer category. But I’m also not a writer.…

  • Military Topics

    Moving On Outta Here

    Quick post because I no longer wish to pay for this subscription, if you want to find me if I keep adding to this, please go to https://wingitwife.wordpress.com/ I plan to write here soon because we’ve had a lot of life updates! You can also follow me on instagram @mcmillanmoments.photo for updates as well! Best, D

  • Military Topics

    What Have I Been Doing Lately? Winging It Duh.

    Since my last post about falling down the stairs, not much has happened. I turned 26, I started working towards a Lactation Consultant Certification, I fell out of the shower, and I picked up Alcohol Ink Art and Photography. You know the usual stuff. Have I ever done alcohol ink or “professional” photography before? Nope, but I have a lot of time on my hands, so why not teach myself?! What can go wrong?????? You can get your hands and everything you own covered in resin… Oh wait that was supposed to be a hypothetical question. Right, moving on. Here’s the thing, it’s hard to write on this thing when…

  • Life

    PSA: Stairs are Dangerous, but the Plates Survived

    At the ripe age of 25, I’m about to drag crippled self to the doctor to get my back x-rayed. The title of this gives it away, but in case you couldn’t infer what happened, I, A-young-healthy-human-who-can-still-do-back-flips, FELL. DOWN. THE. STAIRS. If you know Ru Paul’s Drag Race and the iconic Death Drop, I for sure looked like that going from the top of the stairs to the bottom. Add in a few flying plates and forks and a slow “nooooooo” according to my husband and that’s the scene. Thank God my husband was home from his month long trip to save me, but like damn. I had just portrayed…

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    My Life is a Shit Show but I’m Thriving

    Hey y’all I’m just popping in to say I’m alive and I’m thriving – compared to my life over the past few months. I’ve decided my new motto is the title of this post. “My life is a shit show, but I’m thriving” really accurately describes the chaos I’ve endured over the past year. I know haven’t written a post in a bit and that’s because I’m a human and clearly I can’t be bothered to do anything productive when I’m: living that beach life living that temporarily homeless life living that Thanksgiving life or living that moving for the millionth time this year life As you know we embarked…

  • Life,  Military Topics

    The BS is Worth It

    Hi people. The BS is worth it. What BS? Oh, the military BS. The your husband has a random urinalysis on his day off, when you had plans BS. The your husband was going to have Christmas (insert holiday here) off, but got called in last minute because he was one of the only students in town BS. The “I’m flying today,” “I’m not flying today,” “JK I’m flying tomorrow,” “JK JK we’re actually going now it cleared up and I won’t be home for dinner,” that I slaved over BS. The BS silly meaningless tiffs because a big event is coming up and he’s stressed. The we can’t do/go…

  • Life,  Military Topics

    Ok, I Was Wrong

    Ew, I can’t believe I admitted that. My husband is probably shocked that me, prideful Danni, would admit that I’m wrong. But hey you do what you gotta do. Dear world, I was wrong. Having The Birthday Ball on a Wednesday wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I sincerely apologize. Danni I don’t know what everyone else thought of the Wednesday ball, but my husband and I were both pleasantly surprised. Going into it we thought it would be lame because it was on a Wednesday and because it was on base in a hangar, but we stand corrected. When we walked in the ambiance of the room was…

  • Home,  Life

    When Life Gives You Lemons Just Move …Again

    I don’t even know where to begin this post, but I will warn you it’s long. I’ll at least try to humor you through it, because this has to all be a huge joke.  It’s to the point that I’m waiting and wondering what the next crazy thing in our life will be. If you follow me on Instagram I’m sure you’ve been wondering what happened (or maybe not, let’s be real I’m writing this more for my future self than anything). So here it goes- We technically got evicted, but we knew it was coming.  Cue the questions. Let me get everyone up to speed. So we were buying…