My Life is a Shit Show but I’m Thriving
Hey y’all I’m just popping in to say I’m alive and I’m thriving – compared to my life over the past few months. I’ve decided my new motto is the title of this post. “My life is a shit show, but I’m thriving” really accurately describes the chaos I’ve endured over the past year.
I know haven’t written a post in a bit and that’s because I’m a human and clearly I can’t be bothered to do anything productive when I’m:
- living that beach life
- living that temporarily homeless life
- living that Thanksgiving life
- or living that moving for the millionth time this year life
As you know we embarked on the crazy home buying journey and got a nice and unique experience. Well, praise the lordt it’s finally over. As of this past week we closed on our beautiful home and well it’s amazing, but my life is still a disorganized and disheveled mess (are we surprised?).
The only things truly organized in my life right now are my shoes and my kitchen, which are obviously the two most important things duh!
So for today, you all will just have to look at some random pictures of my life over the past few weeks and be ready to stay tuned to all the new and fun home decor projects up my sleeve.
I recently sat down with Joanna Gaines over some muffins and coffee (you know how she does on Fixer Upper) and well I’m basically JG herself. Ok, I cannot tell a lie, I didn’t sit down with JG in the flesh, I sat down with her Home Body book that was gifted to me by and awesome friend…so basically the same thing right? Either way, I have some rustic inspo headed your way as my house comes together. As for now it’s like I’m living in Yellow World – yellow walls, yellow floors, soft white (aka yellow) lights – I’M GOING NUTS.
If you have any home painting tips like how to avoid making your house a colorful mess, while also not making it all the same color send them my way please! And if I don’t hear anything well… you guessed it, I’ll just wing it and hope for the best!
Thanks for stopping in! Happy Holidays!